In Case studies

Chikara, age 12

Walthamstow School for Girls



1. Why did you choose to come to an Acorn Aspirations hackathon

I wanted to learn how to code and how to make an app

2. Have you done coding or any form of technology prior to coming to the hack?

I had done a little bit of scratch and a bit of python

3. What were the top three skills (not necessarily coding) that you learnt as a result of the hackathon?

I learnt how to make an app, how to work in a team and how to  pitch

4. How have you used the skills since your participation?

I code for fun and try to encourage my friends to code

5. What would you say were the highlights or funniest moments with Acorn Aspirations?

Meeting new friends and developing ideas

6. What kind of projects have you been developing and what was your inspiration behind them?

I have mainly developed education based apps because I think learning to code is important

7. How do you hope to use the tech and entrepreneurship skills you have learnt at Acorn Aspirations in the future?

I would hope to create some sort of tech business with the skills that I have developed after my computer science degree.

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